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In Abruzzo
Testi in italiano e in inglese / Texts in Italian and English
Cento immagini di un nuovo viaggio in Abruzzo. Un viaggio libero, un'esplorazione pura perché sospende l'approccio utilitaristico e sa insinuarsi in luoghi inattesi, registrando preferenze che sfuggono a chi vi è troppo immerso in percorsi quotidiani. Così natura, arte, paesaggi, uomini e animali vengono "guardati" facendo emergere il legame emotivo che amalgama luoghi ed esseri, che lascia scivolare lontano le iconografie consuete per generare una nuova narrazione, una nuova conoscenza, forse irrazionale ma affascinante perché, pur se narrata, permane segreta.
A hundred images of a new journey through Abruzzo. A journey free of restrictions, a pure exploration which avoids a utilitarian approach and examines unexpected places, recording the things which escape all those excessively absorbed in their own everyday journeys. Thus nature, art, landscapes, people and animals are "observed", drawing out the emotional bond between places and beings, throwing aside conventional modes of representation to create a new narrative, a new understanding, perhaps irrational but compelling because though narrated it remains secret.
A hundred images of a new journey through Abruzzo. A journey free of restrictions, a pure exploration which avoids a utilitarian approach and examines unexpected places, recording the things which escape all those excessively absorbed in their own everyday journeys. Thus nature, art, landscapes, people and animals are "observed", drawing out the emotional bond between places and beings, throwing aside conventional modes of representation to create a new narrative, a new understanding, perhaps irrational but compelling because though narrated it remains secret.
- Autore: Luciano D'Angelo
- Editore: De Siena Editore
- ISBN: 978-88-96341-06-3
- Pagine: 166
- Formato: 32x26 cm
- Anno: 2011
- Testo in lingua:
- Prezzo: 65,00 €