Home » Agriculture, Zootechnics » The Park's Products

The Producers

A compatible and top-quality model is the standard adopted by the Park for the development of the agricultural and zootechnical system. A model based on the growing attention for the product quality and the production territories. Such awareness has inspired the Park Authority to start participation and sharing processes with the local producers, in order to promote together quality and sustainability.

This initiative led to the creation of a big network of producers of authentic excellent products continuously interacting with the Park in order to preserve traditional identities and local economies, promoting diet diversity as well as a careful and aware consumption.

The products included in the list and their relative producers represent only a part of the huge heritage handed down from generation to generation by the local people of the protected area. In particular, the list includes the raw materials or the processed products recognized as traditional according to D.M. no. 350 of 08/09/1999, or obtained from organic farming methods or with a designation of origin, or coming from operators that have participated in projects or initiatives of the Park Authority.

Found 156 results
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L'Aquila - Others
Amatrice - Agricultural Holdings
Capitignano - Agricultural Holdings
Montereale - Agricultural Holdings
Carpineto della Nora - Agricultural Holdings
Montereale - Agricultural Holdings
Torre de' Passeri - Agricultural Holdings
Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata - Bee-keeping Activities
Montereale - Bee-keeping Activities
Amatrice - Bee-keeping Activities
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  • Underway Activities
    • Agriculture and agriculture-food sector
      • La rete degli agricoltori custodi: Progetto "Cerere", "Demetra" e "Persefone"
      • Le antiche varietà colturali: i cereali minori
      • Progetto Fruttantica
      • Progetto Genepi appenninico
      • Il marchio collettivo geografico
      • Le antiche varietà colturali: la patata turchesa
    • Activities supporting zootechniques
      • Le api e il miele
      • Progetto Pecunia
      • Progetto Pagliarola
      • Progetto Maia
    • Refresher course of the agricultural-zootechnical operators: Sapiens Project
    • Co-operatives and Associations
    • Supporting Slow Food Presidia
      • La Mortadella di Campotosto
      • La Lenticchia di Santo Stefano di Sessanio
      • Il Canestrato di Castel del Monte
    • Guardian Restaurants
    • Park's Brand
FederparchiLIFE Bear-Smart CorridorsFagus Life ProjectLife PraterieLife PlutoAqualifeLife CoornataLife M.I.R.CO-LupoBreedValor