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The cultivation of the common bean in the Province of L'Aquila is already documented since the early 20th century. The past cultivation method of this bean was characterized by the intermixed crop with corn, working as tutor of the bean.

Current Production Area in the Park: It is cultivated in the whole Park area.

Characteristic well-watered cultivation staked with canes or branches, it comes after cereals and before vegetables. Harvesting is still carried out by hand.
A traditional agricultural production, it is the common bean (the so-called fagiolo a olio) and kidney bean (the so-called fagiolo a pane) of Paganica plain; both creeper plants, they have pods containing from 4 to 8 beans, about 13mm long and 7mm wide, with yellow-dark brown-hazel brown color for the common bean and milky white for the kidney bean.
Further recovered varieties are: gialletto bean, poverello bean, black bean, scafa bean, tondino bean, quail egg-shaped beans.

Product Availability:
It is sown late in spring and harvested in late summer/early autumn; beans are for sale dry all year long.

Paganica Bean
Paganica Bean
(photo by M. Anselmi)
Oil bean
Oil bean
(photo by PN Gran Sasso)
Gialletto bean
Gialletto bean
(photo by PN Gran Sasso)
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