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Robiglio Pea

This pea variety was already widespread in the markets of L'Aquila since the 15th century. According to Miche Tenore (1831), one of the greatest 19th century Italian botanists, Robiglio pea, as far as the Kingdom of Naples was concerned, was cultivated only in Abruzzi. In Pizzoli (Province of L'Aquila), this legume was locally known as shepherds' pea.

Current Production Area in the Park: This ancient crop variety has been found in the Municipality of Santo Stefano di Sessanio (Province of L'Aquila).

Pea variety characterized by a small size and a greenish-brown color. The wonderful flowers are red, unlike the white common pea flowers.

Product Availability: It is sown in spring and harvested in August. It is for sale all year round, in relatively limited quantities.

(photo by PN Gran Sasso)
(photo by Archivio Ente Parco)
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