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Capitignano Chickpea
The Municipality of Capitignano (Province of L'Aquila) is historically linked to this legume. A recent research activity on the DNA of this legume has given the opportunity to catalog this particular variety among the genetically "rare" varieties.
Current Production Area in the Park: This ancient crop variety has been found in the territory of Capitignano and Camarda (AQ).
Chickpea is a traditional agricultural product of Regione Abruzzo; this variety is mainly cultivated in mountain and foothill soils, and well resists to periods of drought. Sowing is carried out in April and harvesting in August-September. The seed is a microsperm, with a diameter of about 5-7mm, round, and with a smooth and rusty color integument.
Product Availability: It is sown in spring and harvested in August. It is for sale all year round, but in relatively limited quantities.