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Chickling is a leguminous plant coming from the Mediterranean basin. Its use is documented in the 17th century soup recipes. This leguminous plant, once cultivated in every family vegetable garden, has undergone a fast reduction, although recently, as other cultivations, it has been rediscovered and used to prepare several dishes.

Current Production Area in the Park: The territories mainly interested by the production of this leguminous plant are the plateaus and the inner valleys of the Province of L'Aquila.

The strength of this plant gives the opportunity to obtain greater quantities than other leguminous plants, like the lentil, in very meager and harsh environments. It is a microthermal plant with intermediate thermal needs, between the lentil and the chick-pea. The seeds are flattened, rather angular, with a gray-white or veined brown color, and a diameter of 4-6 mm; rich in proteins, fibers, and potassium, chickling is used to prepare dishes with sausages, trotters, or pork rinds, as well as soups .

Product Availability:
It is sown in spring and is harvested in July-August after naturally drying in the field. Despite the limited quantities produced, it is for sale all year long.

(photo by PN Gran Sasso)
(photo by PN Gran Sasso)
(photo by PN Gran Sasso)
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