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Saragolla Wheat

Saragolla is a cereal, ancestor of the modern durum wheat. It was introduced in Abruzzi in 400 AD by the protobulgarian people Altzec, coming from Egypt. The name is formed by the words SARGA = yellow and GOLYO = seed, literally "yellow seed".

Current Production Area in the Park: It is a wheat variety cultivated in areas characterized by marginal agriculture in Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, in the Province of L'Aquila.

It is a durum wheat variety with an early cycle and a potential high and steady production. It has a high culm and a long spike. It is very resistant to the main reclamation diseases and storage. The grains provide high-quality products with a high content in proteins and a high-quality gluten. Ideal to prepare pasta.

Product Availability: It is sown in autumn and harvested in July-August. Since the production is limited, the quantities sold are scarce.

Saragolla Wheat
Saragolla Wheat
(photo by Archivio Ente Parco)
Saragolla Wheat ears
Saragolla Wheat ears
(photo by Archivio Ente Parco)
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